
35mm film, Inkjet photographic prints on Hahnemuhle Baryta Paper, 420 x 594 mm, New Orleans, 2019

The argument for divesting from fossil fuels is conspicuous in the swamps of Louisiana, where one fifth amount of the USA’s domestic crude oil production and refining takes place. Louisiana’s 17 oil refineries process 3.3 million barrels of crude oil1 per day whilst the 3 million acres of wetlands are lost at the rate about 75 square kilometers per year2. New Orleans is a city of contradictions, and whilst mankind destroys the natural environment, we also celebrate and live amongst it. These photographs present lush, verdant and refracted images in a series of scenes without human activity. The near monochromatic images present an opposing view of what is overgrown.

1U.S Energy Information Administration –

2U.S. Geological Survey – 

Over Growth exhibited at Hydromel, Meades, Patrick’s Street, Cork City, July 2022