
Exploring openness, ownership and origination in participatory art, creative collaboration and community publishing. Of Source was a community facing social practice research project into open source methodologies in the participatory arts.

Open source working practices were developed with data gathered through interviews, workshops and industry research. Of Source offered tailored discursive support and worked with artists and organisations to identify how open source practices and publishing could support their aims. Of Source portrays open publishing as a step towards social justice, one which can have a profound impact on the participatory arts. The project was funded until August 2021 and the outcomes of the research are framed around tools, training and case studies which support artists and practitioners to develop their own work.

This research produced resources which are published under an open source licence and continues with strong partnerships after it was concluded. This page is the touch point for the work and includes resources, interviews and data from the research.

Read Arguing for Open , a short essay published by the Social Art Library here

Read An Interview with Akiko Kobayashi, social practice architect here

Of Source Inforgraphics

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